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Free Downloads of Ocean-Related

 Reports & Studies 

The truth is, our world has a growing single-use plastic packaging waste crisis  because we simply have not addressed this issue, nor the impact it has on our oceans, marine life and local landfills. The CBO Foundation aims to help change this trend!


Once fully operational in 2020, we will provide a consolidated online resource of reports, news and video features that help educate the global public on this and other ocean issues. Through our programs and initiatives, we will drive the outrage and change necessary to solve the problems that can be solved. 


We support the eco-friendly pyrolysis technology to address plastic waste, as incorporated by one of our signature partners Plastic2Power, an APVG company, which incorporates this process into its local waste management solution To not just end the life-cycle of plastic packaging waste, but also the mountains of scrap tire waste as well.


A few initial reports worth reading can be downloaded from this page. You may share them with friends, family and associates, and help us drive a change in how we manage our plastic waste.

Plastic Waste Reports

2018 UN Report  

Great 100 plus page report on Single Use Plastic and its impact. Click on above cover to get a copy one.

Click on the Image To Download A Report of Interest

Ecosystem Management 

Plastics And


Plastic to Fuel

Emission Comparison

Partnership On

Marine Litter

The Next




     The image links you to a new report that offers a detailed look into the Plastic-to-fuel (PTF) technology, using pyrolysis to convert plastic waste—especially non-recycled plastics (NRP) into ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel. This report costs $37.95 and is well worth the price for those interested.

The New Plastics Economy

Rethinking The Future Of Plastics

     The image links to a free PDF report that offers a look into the Plastic economy of the future. The circular economy is gaining growing attention as a potential way for our society to increase prosperity, while reducing demands on nite raw materials and minimizing negative externalities. 

2011 Marine Debris Report

Click on image above to download the 2011 SNAP report on "Marine Debris as a Global Problem."  The information is dated, but the waste problem has only gotten worse. 

Plastic Debris In The Ocean

     The above report is a great overview of the ocean plastic waste and marine debris or litter issues, although it is a few years old now. Click on the image to download a copy to read.

The CBO Foundation seeks to end scenes like the one seen above, known as Mount TrashMore in the Cayman Islands, through our support of the Plastic2Power (P2P) Plastic Waste Management Solution. The growing landfill waste issues in the island countries of the Pacific and Caribbean Sea is a problem that can often lead to fires that rage for weeks. 

When Mount TrashMore catches fire, as it often has, it can last for many weeks and impact any holiday experience there. Even worse, when strong winds or hurricanes hit the region, much of this trash is blown back into the Caribbean Sea. The P2P waste solution and CBO Marine Group can help overcome such issues, if the political will exists to address it. Learn More in this Cayman Compass .

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